Friday, 23 December 2011


sekarang aku mau cerita tentang pentas jazz balletku kemarin tanggal 17desember2011 di Taman Ismail Marzuki. pentasnya berjudul the story, cerita ttg seorang anak perempuan yang berusaha keras untuk mewujudkan cita2nya membangun sekolah tari tetapi ibunya menentang untuk menari. disini aku jadi anak graduation saat anak2 sekolah tari angkatan pertama tersebut lulus. rasanya seneng jalanin pentas ini, walaupun capek karna banyak tugas kuliah juga, tapi untuk the story ini kita udah latihan sejak kurang lebih bulan agustus, jadi kira2 4bulanan kita latihan untuk tampil di 17desember.. alhamdulillah semua berjalan lancar. seneng juga pada nonton, ada sahabat2ku yaitu dede ipang ketek bolang, tapi sedih sih karena bella detya didi dan bramen ga bisa dateng untuk nonton aku dan ona :( kakakku dan pacar nya juga dateng. pertunjukan dimulai jam 2 dan selesai jam 4, tapi jam 7 kita nari lg di hall teater jakarta, walapun cuma nari flashmob aja tapi seruuuu sekali. sedih pentasnya udah selesai, kayak ga berasa semua nya selesai, kayaknya waktu itu masih harus latihan2 sabtu dan minggu, sekarang semuanya hilang.. malah jadi kayak hampa.pingin pentas lagi rasanya, semoga pentas tahun depan bisa lebih baik dari tahun ini dan udah naik kelas, amin amin amiiiin..

berikut foto-fotonya, tapi ga ada foto pas perform karena pentas namarina tidak diperbolehkan ngambil foto atau merekam, tapi tenaaaang nanti ada dvd nya kok :)

get ready
with raya vindya
the dancers
my best, my dancer.. yoehana.. (kiri : kostum the story, kanan : kostum flashmob)

hey love :*

but .. he is not coming. a person who is included in the list "people who i expect to come" but that's okay :) I know we have a different way, and I know that he supported me.. 


Monday, 12 December 2011


this time .. I don't want anything, do anything, think anything, anything .. you hear? anything! I'll continue to re-word it, until there is no meaning anymore. I live in a crazy world, huh? the world who don't understand the meaning of toil, love, friendship, or just me who can't understand all that? or may not want to understand .. don't want to ..

except dancing, that's all I want now .. I dance not only with my body, but with my soul, heart and mind .. which can clear all the disgusting things that I'm dealing with. To give me more spirit, to face my world that was shattered. my body looks great, although the inside has been damaged and destroyed. there will be no one could guess what was happening to me ..


so, I need to dance .. bismillahirrahmanirahim, I pray for my performances this year, I hope this will be very beautiful, for me, for others, for other dancers, to my family, and my friends..


Wednesday, 7 December 2011

should i?

my day..
day by day.. seems like its more complicated. i dont have time to eat, to sleep, to hangout. like... there is a big hole in my heart. i really really tired of this situation. i need more time in a day, to resolve all matters.
when im tired, thats not me, thats my body, it feels like to be collapse. but i really cant tell anyone about my problem, about my feelings. its funny, some of my friends, crying and telling me about their problem, almost every time. I'm happy to listen, and I give them advice, without them knowing what I'm experiencing. maybe, my problem is more severe and complicated, but i dont know why, i cant tell anybody, even my bestfriends. i have many stories that i cant even tell my bestfriends. why? i dont know. why cant I share a story? I became very closed.
should i through this? will i be strong enough? 
I look strong from outside, such as not having problems, like feeling happy all the time. But I was very fragile in the inside..