Friday, 20 July 2012


yesterday, i just got back from my vacation in anyer. i went with okta, acel, and fitri. they are my college friends. we are in anyer for 3 days, and we stay at pewe's cottage (he's my highschool friend or yea yea he is my ex haha).

we had so much fun in there :D FREEDOM !! i love beach. so much. actually, i've got a vacation in anyer, one month ago with my big family, in the same cottage. yeaaah, i love beach so fucking much :)

but, we also got a bad luck :( my left thumb was sprained, since we got there and still swollen till now huhuhu its hurt too much >.< my mom said this is "asam urat" hoaaa scary.......
and we lose some money :"" its about... RP. 250.000. i'm sure the money is gone during our dinner, because we left the wallet in the cottage. yaaah maybe is not our fortune :)

sooo, here is the pictures ! :)


Monday, 9 July 2012


i know that i'm fat now hahahahaha everybody say that :") (berat badan ini sungguh membunuhku)
but i'm not going to do a diet :D fat means happy and prosperous, right? oh yes one thing, i'm not a dancer with a gorgeous body (hiks) i gained my weight since i quit from namarina ballet school huhuhuhuhu 
my old body, please comeback ! (loh katanya gapapa gendut)
yes yes, i'm not the type of elegant, beautiful and has a slender body.
seriously, i'm a cool girl, relaxed, i don't like grooming, i like to wear a backpack, sounds funny huh?
i only dress up when i would go. i didn't even comb my hair when i went to college (maapin)

when i was a student of namarina, the heaviest weight is 47kg :''')

now... syukuri apa yang ada, dikata gendut sama orang2 juga bodo amat gw tetep makan banyak, malem minggu kemarin gw makan-makan sama teman kampus di thre3house kuningan (itu foto2nya yang gw pake rok garis2), lapeeeeer banget.... akhirnya.... gw makan 2 porsi saja kok, hanya BBQ half chicken steak (half disini maksudnya half chicken, stengah ayam, gede boook. gw kira half cooked *kayang*) dan javanese fried rice (nasgor jawa, seporsi pake telor dadar + sate ayam) tinggal jantungan aja pas liat bill, yaudah makan sendirian abis 200ribu, yg penting kenyang.

silahkan bandingkan dengan badan gw disini :
 ini foto 3 tahun lalu, jangan sedih :")
